Department of National Planning

Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

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The "Serendipity Knowledge Program" (SKOP)

The "Serendipity Knowledge Program" (SKOP) is ADB's specialized knowledge initiative tailored for Sri Lanka. It aims to effectively address the country's specific needs while aligning with ADB's mission to serve as a knowledge solutions bank. SKOP focuses on disseminating relevant knowledge on key issues impacting Sri Lanka and fostering meaningful discussions among stakeholders. The most recent SKOP event centered on reforms and financial sustainability within Sri Lanka's power sector. It sought to advance discussions on preparing the country for increased renewable energy integration and enhancing customer engagement. This was addressed through policy reforms, infrastructure initiatives, and grid digitalization efforts aimed at transforming the renewable energy and power sector landscape.

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One-Day Workshop for NPD Officials on the ongoing Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform including the PFM Act and the new Financial Regulations under preparation as well as the ISPP Development

The workshop was held on 18th January 2025 at Hotel Citrus, Waskaduwa with support from SL-EPIM project funded by JICA. The workshop included discussions on key topics related to ISPP development, its functionalities, and NPD's strategic role in line with the new Public Financial Management Act. Additionally, a visiting resource person conducted a session on the Enhancement of Workplace Productivity, as per your special request.

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Launching of the National Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka

The Department of National Planning of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies launched the new National Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka. This event ceremonially held in Colombo on 16th August 2024 with the participation of higher level officials of the Embassies/High Commissions, development partner agencies, Ministries, Departments and representatives of civil societies. This National Social Protection Policy was formulated by the Department of National Planning recently in a very participatory process with all major stakeholders incorporating inputs from the general public as well. The Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka enables access to all citizens for appropriate social protection support across the lifecycle. Further, it provides strategic guidance for the development of a well-coordinated and harmonized social protection system for stakeholders across the government and private sector, as well as non-governmental organizations. Mr. R.H.W.A. Kumarasiri, Director General, the Department of National Planning delivered the opening remarks with a brief introduction. This event was honored by Mr. K. M. Mahinda Siriwardana, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies delivering the key note speech emphasizing how the country was recovered from economic crisis and the importance of the National Social Protection Policy and implementation of this policy in an inclusive approach for a macroeconomic stabilization in the economic development landscape. A panel discussion was also held with the participation of experts representing the government sector, academia, development partners, sector specialists as well as the civil society organizations with representation of women and differently abled community.

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National Policy Dialogue on "Securing inclusive and Green Economic Recovery and Development in Sri Lanka"

The National Planning Department, in partnership with the Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) convened a National Policy Dialogue on ‘Securing inclusive and Green Economic Recovery and Development in Sri Lanka’ on Wednesday 14th December 2022. The event was co-chaired by Mr. Mahinda Siriwardena, Secretary to the Treasury and Ms. Hanna Singer, UN Resident Coordinator for Sri Lanka. The aim of the Policy Dialogue was to discuss public policy options that help Sri Lanka build forward better highlighting a pathway towards more inclusive and greener economy, economic recovery programmes and the potential impacts of various policy initiatives on long-term economic, social and environmental outcomes. Commencing the session, Secretary to the Treasury and Chairman of the Sustainable Development Council, Mr. Mahinda Siriwardena highlighted the macro-economic, fiscal and monetary policy reforms initiated by the Government that would help the country to be more resilient to future shocks, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The event included a presentation on a set of preliminary findings of a macroeconomic modeling study conducte d by Dr. Vatcharin Sirimaneetham of UNESCAP examining the potential long-term economic, social and environmental impacts of selected policy scenarios in Sri Lanka to foster an SDG-centric economic recovery and public debt sustainability. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Priyantha Ratnayake, Deputy Secretary to the Treasury. Panelists representing the Department of National Planning, Fiscal Policy Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development Council and Institute of Policy Studies were invited to share their views on the findings of the study as well as various policy initiatives/ plans, medium to long-term policies under the purview of each agency that help Sri Lanka to secure more inclusive, resilient and greener development. The Policy Dialogue was attended by officials from the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies (representing relevant Treasury departments), Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Finance Commission, Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development Council and other government institutions, the European Union to Sri Lanka, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and UN Agencies.

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Policy Guidance

National Policy Framework

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Major Public Inverstment_Projects | 2025-2027

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United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

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Assessing Public Investment in the transport Sector

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Accessibility to the Non Authors Publications (PDF format) of the Ministry of Finance.

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